Home News & Knowledge Pre-planning consultation begins into Newtown housing development

Pre-planning consultation begins into Newtown housing development

Hughes Architects has begun a pre-planning consultation for a housing development in Newtown, Powys, that could see up to 135 homes developed on the site.

The development is proposed on land adjacent to Glanhafren Hall off Llanidloes Road on behalf of Mr Paolo Re.

The pre-planning consultation allows people to comment on the proposed plans prior to the planning application being made to Powys County Council.

“The application is submitted in response to the current absence of a five year housing land supply in Powys and a need to deliver housing in the short to medium term, practically to meet affordable housing requirements,” said a statement from Hughes Architects.

“The proposed development site represents a significant opportunity within the redefined boundary of Newtown for level access both to the site and to town centre facilities.

“Although the current application is made in outline with all matters reserved other than access it is envisaged that the nature of the development will be comprised of a scale and type that will help address the demand and need for housing in our largest settlement and will consist of a density and using building materials both sympathetic to and in keeping with that of other residential developments within the town.”

Details of the pre-planning consultation can be found here: http://hughesarchitects.co.uk/consultations/pre-planning-consultation-la

The consultation ends on 12 September 2017.

An outline planning application will be made and any submissions to the consultation will be considered and included within the application to Powys County Council.
